Acrylic Rotameter : It is
basically a variable area flow meter. The differential pressure
across the annulus area is constant and the flow rate is
measured as a function of the annulus area created by ‘Float’
position. It is made from a Acrylic Block.
Operating Principle :
Acrylic Rotameter is basically a variable area flow
The diffrential pressure across the annulus area is constant and
the Flowrate is measured as a function of the position of
annulus area. This area is displayed as the position of the
‘Float’ in terms of flow rate on the scale.
Standard Features:
* Line Size from 6mm to 80 NB
* Heavy Duty Design With Full Visibility
* Ranges between 1-10 LPM to 1200-12000 LPH
* Accuracy : +/- 2% of full scale
* Easy to Maintain and replace
* Suitable for in line installation
* Measuring span - 1:10
* Solid acrylic Block
* Linear scale
* Test Presure - 10 Kg / cm |